Wanunuzi Sacco Registered & Its Elections Held

The KISM Council has fulfilled one of its election pledges with registration of a membership savings and credit co-operative society. In July 2020, Wanunuzi Sacco was formally registered, setting the stage for an improvement in members’ welfare by mobilising savings.

The Wanunuzi Sacco was established by Procurement & Supply Chain Practitioners to meet their economic and social needs, through a jointly owned enterprise that promotes savings for future investment, and offers loans at affordable rates.  The Wanunuzi Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Limited was established under certificate of registration No. CS/25046, on 18th June 2020, by Ag. Commissioner for Co-operative Development.

The KISM members have until now been disadvantaged due to lack of a welfare programme as is the case with other professional bodies. To the Council, the idea of a Sacco was a low hanging fruit and within two months into office, Wanunuzi Sacco was born.

The target membership is not limited to the staff and members of the Institute i.e. Supplies practitioners, including those in in procurement, inventory management, warehousing, logistics and transport among others. The Sacco draws its membership from different from different organisations across the county.

The idea of Wanunuzi Sacco was conceived essentially to inculcate a culture of savings among members; provide them with an opportunity to gradually grow their savings; and to create apool of funds from which loans can be borrowed exclusively by members of personal advancement.

All procurement and supply chain practitioners in Kenya are encouraged to join the Wanunuzi Sacco.
Any enquiries on the Sacco product and services can me made through: admin@wanunuzisacco.or.ke

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