Pursuant to section 15(3) of the SPMA 2007. The membership of the Committee consists;
- A Chairperson appointed by the Council;
- Two persons who shall be qualified supplies practitioners appointed by the Council from amongst the members of the Institute;
- One person nominated by the Federation of Kenya Employers;
- The Attorney-General or his representative nominated by him in writing;
- One person nominated by the Kenya National Examination Council;
- One person nominated by the Director-General of the Public Procurement Oversight Authority;
- The Registrar, appointed by the Minister on the recommendation of the Council.
Current Membership of the Committee:
- Mark Kanda – Chairperson
- Hosea Kemboi – Member
- Mercy Mburugu – Member
- Joyce Wasike – Member
- Samson Mugwe – Member
- Paul Nthiga – Member
- Peter Ndung’u – Member