
Committees of the Council

The Council may from time to time appoint such committees as it may deem fit in conducting its business. 
  The Committee is composed of three members appointed on a one year basis by the Council.
The Committee currently for   Strategy - is composed of three members CM Jeremiah Nthusi, CM Mark Kanda and CM Henock Kirungu. The Committee is chaired by CM Jeremiah Nthusi Finance Corporate and Human Resource Committee is composed of three Council members CM Mark Kanda, CM Moses Omondi and CM Martin Ainea Omuse. The Committee is chaired by CM Mark Kanda The Professional Standards Committee is composed of CM Jeniffer Cirindi, CM Henock Kirungu and CM Fidel Muema. The Committee is chaired by CM Jeniffer Cirindi. Audit Committee is comprised of CM Fidel Muema, CM Martin Ainea Omuse and CM Maryanne Kuvochi Karanja

Statutory Committees

The SPMA 2007 provides under section 15 and 22 for statutory committees to provide oversight over the registration and disciplinary matters involving members.

Registration Committee

This committee is responsible for receiving, reviewing and approving applications for registrations and licensing of members of the Institute in accordance with section 15(3) of the SPMA 2007. The membership of the Committee consists;
1.Chairperson who shall be appointed by the Council;  
2.Two persons who shall be qualified supplies practitioners appointed by the Council from amongst the members of the Institute;  
3.One person nominated by the Federation of Kenya Employers; the Attorney-General or his representative nominated by him in writing;  
4.One person nominated by the Kenya National Examination Council; 
5.One person nominated by the Director-General of the Public Procurement Oversight Authority;  
6.The Registrar, appointed by the Minister on the recommendation of the Council. 

Disciplinary Committee

This committee is responsible for receiving and investigating complaints against supplies practitioners in accordance with section 22(4) of the SPMA 2007. The membership of the Committee consists of;
1.The Chairperson shall be appointed by the Council from members of the Council 
2.Three persons shall be nominated by the Council from members of the Institute; 
3.One member shall be nominated by the Director-General of Public Procurement Oversight Authority; 
4.One member shall be nominated by the Attorney-General; 
5.One Advocate shall be nominated by the Law Society of Kenya; 
6.One engineer nominated by the Institute of Engineers of Kenya; 
7.One accountant nominated by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya. 
8.The Chief Executive Officer of the Institute shall be the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee and shall not have voting power. 

Strategy Committee

The purpose of the Strategy Committee shall be to assist the Council in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities relating to the mid to long-term strategy for the Institute, risks and opportunities relating to such strategy, and strategic decisions regarding investments, expansion, acquisitions and divestitures by the Institute. The Strategy Committee which emanates from the Institute Council acts under its authority whose mission is to make recommendations to the Council concerning the implementation of the strategic orientations of the Institute.
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