KISM CPD Policy to Improve Standards

The KISM CPD program is a process of lifelong learning for Procurement and Supply Chain Management professionals.
It is aimed at improving performance by systematically updating practioner’s knowledge and skills, and developing personal qualities necessary for execution of professional duties including acquisition of new roles and responsibilities.

In an increasingly competitive and dynamic corporate environment, it is imperative for professionals to continuously acquire
new skills, knowledge and competencies in order to remain relevant in their practice and meet the ever-growing expectations
for high quality services and accountability.

The institute acknowledges this capacity building need and has put in place a structure for recognition of CPD among its members by introducing an enforceable CPD Policy.

The policy requires that members earn 48 CPD points in a year for them to be allowed to renew their membership.
However, the CPD requirement may be reviewed from time to time depending on the dictates of the prevailing situation.
For instance, the CPD requirement requirement for the year 2020 was reviewed downwards to 24 due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic.


Webinars were introduced as a measure to keep members learning during the COVID-19 pandemic period and they now form part of KISM’s product portfolio.

The virtual programs are short and offer a low cost avenue for members to hone their skills and keep abreast with emerging topical issues and trends in Procurement and Supply Chain Management (PSCM) practise. Attendees of the webinars earn CPD Points.

Jeremia K. Nthusi, MCIPS, MKISM
Chairman Professional Standards Committee

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